Prison Legal News v. Ventura County, Complaint 2014
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Case 2:14-cv-00773-GHK-E Document 1 Filed 01/31/14 Page 1 of 24 Page ID #:564 1 ERNEST GALVAN - 196065 BLAKE THOMPSON -.255600 2 ROSEN BIEN GALVAN & GRUNFELD LLP 315 Montgomery Street, Tenth Floor San Francisco, alifornia 94104-1823 Telephone: (415) 433-6830 Facsimile: (415) 433-7104 Email: bthompsonibgg. coin BRIAN A. VOGEL - 167413 THE LAW OFFICES OF BRIAN A. VOGEL, PC 770 County Square Drive, Suite 104 Ventura, alifornia 93003 Telephone: 805 654-0400 Facsimile: @@ 654-0326 Email: r- zi;C ) ^ 0 w; ,, LANCE WEBER - Fla. Bar No. 104550* HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENSE CENTER P.O. Box 1151 Lake Worth, Florida 33460 Telephone: (561 360-2523 Facsimile: (866) 735-7136 lweber@humanrightsdefensecenter . org Email: Pro Hac Vice Application To Be Filed Attorneys for Plaintiff UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA PRISON LEGAL NEWS, a project of th HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENSE CENTE' 7 f t1? V Plaintiff, V. COUNTY OF VENTURA., GEOFF DEAN, GARY PENTIS, LINDA OKSNER,and 23 RICK BARRIOS, in their individual and official capacities DOES 1-10, in their 24 individual and official capacities, 25 2 COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF ER THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT, 42 U.S.C. §1983 AND DAMAGES JURY TRIAL DEMANDED Defendants. 26 27 28 [10276743) COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF UNDER THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT. 42 U.S.C. § 1983 AND DAMAGES Case 2:14-cv-00773-GHK-E Document 1 Filed 01/31/14 Page 2 of 24 Page ID #:565 INTRODUCTION 2 Plaintiff PRISON LEGAL NEWS ("PLN" or "Plaintiff'), a project of the 3 Human Rights Defense Center, brings this action challenging Defendants' 4 censorship of its monthly publication and of correspondence mailed to prisoners and 5 pre-trial detainees (collectively, "inmates") held in custody at Ventura County jails, 6 in violation of the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States 7 Constitution. Defendants have adopted and implemented mail policies and practices 8 that unconstitutionally restrict PLN's correspondence with inmates. Defendants' 9 mail policies are unconstitutional on their face and as applied, and are 10 constitutionally infirm because they are unduly broad and vague. Defendants' mail 11 policies and practices also do not afford adequate notice and an opportunity to 12 challenge the censorship, in violation of PLN's right to due process. Defendants' 13 policies, practices, and actions thus violate PLN's rights and the rights. of others who seek to send mail and publications to inmates at Defendants jails under the First Amendment and the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment. PLN brings this action, pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1983, seeking injunctive and declaratory relief, and damages to be proven at trial. JURISDICTION AND VE1\1E 1. This action arises under the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution and is brought pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1983. This Court has both subject matter jurisdiction and diversity jurisdiction over this action under 22 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331, 1332, 1343, 2201, and 2202. 23 2. Venue is proper in the Central District of California under 28 U.S.C. 24 § 1391(b)(2) because substantial acts and omissions giving rise to the claims 25 occurred in this District, including Defendants' implementation of the challenged 26 mail policies and practices, and because Defendants reside in this District. 27 28 1102767431 PARTIES 3. Plaintiff PRISON LEGAL NEWS is a project of the Human Rights 1 COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF UNDER THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT, 42 U.S.C. §1983 AND DAMAGES Case 2:14-cv-00773-GHK-E Document 1 Filed 01/31/14 Page 3 of 24 Page ID #:566 1 Defense Center ("HRDC"), a Washington Non-Profit Corporation. The core of 2 HRDC's mission is public and prisoner education, advocacy, and outreach in 3 support of prisoners' rights in furtherance of their basic human rights. PLN 4 publishes and distributes a monthly journal of corrections news and analysis, and 5 offers and sells books about the criminal justice system, legal reference books, and 6 self-help books of interest to prisoners. PLN has a broad audience, including prisoners, lawyers, courts, libraries, and members of the general public throughout the country and abroad. 4. Defendant COUNTY OF VENTURA is a municipal corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of California. Defendant COUNTY OF VENTURA is, and was at all relevant times mentioned herein, responsible for the actions and/or inactions and the policies, procedures, customs and practices of the Ventura County Sheriff's Department ("the Sheriff's Department" or "the Department"), the Ventura County Sheriff's Detention Services Division ("the Detention Services Division"), and their respective employees and agents. The Department operates the Pre-Trial Detention Facility, the Todd Road Jail, and the East County Jail (collectively, the "jails"), and is and was responsible for adopting and implementing mail policies governing incoming mail for inmates at Ventura County jails. 5. Defendant GEOFF DEAN is the Sheriff of the COUNTY OF VENTURA, and has held this position since January 3, 2011. Defendant DEAN is employed by and is an agent of Defendant COUNTY OF VENTURA and the Department. He is responsible for overseeing the management and operations of the Detention Services Division, and for the hiring, screening, training, retention, supervision, discipline, counseling, and control of the personnel of the Ventura County jails who interpret and apply the Detention Services Division's mail policy for inmates. As Sheriff, Defendant DEAN is the final policymaker for Defendant [102767431 COUNTY OF VENTURA with respect to the operations of the Ventura County 2 COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF UNDER THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT, 42 U.S.C. §1983 AND DAMAGES Case 2:14-cv-00773-GHK-E Document 1 Filed 01/31/14 Page 4 of 24 Page ID #:567 1 jails, including for policies governing incoming mail for inmates. He is sued in his individual and official capacities. 6. Defendant GARY PENTIS is an Assistant Sheriff of the COUNTY OF VENTURA, and has been in charge of the Detention Services Division since approximately January 3, 2011. He is employed by and is an agent of Defendant COUNTY OF VENTURA and the Sheriff's Department. The Detention Services Division is the largest of the Department's four divisions in both personnel and budget, and includes all job positions related to inmate services, including reception, booking and classification, jail services, and court room and pre-trial security services. As Assistant Sheriff in charge of the Detention Services Division, Defendant PENTIS is responsible for the operation and management of the Ventura 12 County jails and for the promulgation and implementation of Detention Services 13 Division policies, including the inmate mail policies challenged herein. He is also 14 responsible for the hiring, screening, training, retention, supervision, discipline, counseling, and control of the personnel of the Ventura County jails who interpret and apply the Detention Services Division's mail policy for inmates. He is sued in his individual and official capacities. 7. Defendant LINDA OKSNER is the Commander in charge of the Todd s Road Jail for the Sheriff Department. She is employed by and is an agent of Defendant COUNTY OF VENTURA and the Sheriff's Department. Defendant OKSNER is responsible for operational oversight of the Todd Road Jail, for Inmate Services, and for the Detention Services Divisional Training Unit. Prior to this 23 assignment, she was in charge of the operations and management of the Pre-Trial 24 Detention Facility and the East County Jail. In these capacities, Defendant 25 OKSNER is and was responsible for the implementation of Detention Services 26 Division policies at Ventura County jail facilities, including the inmate mail policies 27 challenged herein, and for the hiring, screening, training, retention, supervision, (10276743) 28 discipline, counseling, and control of the personnel of the Ventura County jails who -) COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF UNDER THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT, 42 U.S.C. §1983 AND DAMAGES Case 2:14-cv-00773-GHK-E Document 1 Filed 01/31/14 Page 5 of 24 Page ID #:568 interpret and apply the Detention Services Division's mail policy for inmates. She is sued in her individual and official capacities. 8. Defendant RICK BARRIOS is the Commander of the Pre-Trial Detention Facility for the Sheriffs Department. He is employed by and is an agent of Defendant COUNTY OF VENTURA and the Sheriffs Department. Defendant BARRIOS is responsible for operational oversight of the Pre-Trial Detention 7 Facility. In this capacity, Defendant BARRIOS is responsible for the implementation of Detention Services Division policies at the Pre-Trial Detention Facility. He is sued in his individual and official capacities. 9. The true names and identities of Defendants DOES 1 through 10 are presently unknown to PLN. Each of Defendants DOES 1 through 10 are or were employed by and are or were agents of Defendant COUNTY OF VENTURA and the Sheriffs Department when some or all of the challenged inmate mail policies and practices were adopted and/or implemented. Each of Defendants DOES 1 through 10 are or were personally involved in the adoption and/or implementation of the Detention Services Division's mail policies for inmates, and/or are or were responsible for the hiring, screening, training, retention, supervision, discipline, 18 counseling, and/or control of Ventura County jails' staff who interpret and 19 implement these inmate mail policies. They are sued in their individual and official 20 capacities. PLN will seek to amend this Complaint as soon as the true names and 21 identities of Defendants DOES 1 through 10 have been ascertained. 22 10. Each and every act and omission alleged herein of Defendants, their 23 officers, agents, servants, employees, or persons acting at their behest or direction, 24 were done and are continuing to be done under the color of state law and within the 25 scope of their official duties as employees or agents of Defendant COUNTY OF 26 VENTURA and the Sheriffs Department. 27 28 [10276743] FACTS 11. Plaintiff PRISON LEGAL NEWS publishes and distributes Prison 4 COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF UNDER THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT, 42 U.S.C. §1983 AND DAMAGES Case 2:14-cv-00773-GHK-E Document 1 Filed 01/31/14 Page 6 of 24 Page ID #:569 1 Legal News: Dedicated to Protecting Human Rights, a monthly journal of corrections news and analysis. PLN also publishes and distributes paperback books 3 4 5 about the criminal justice system and legal issues impacting prisoners. 12. PLN has approximately 9,000 subscribers in the United States and abroad, including prisoners, attorneys, journalists, public libraries, judges, and other 6 members of the public. PLN distributes its publication to prisoners and law 7 librarians in approximately 2,200 correctional facilities across the United States, 8 including institutions within the Federal Bureau of Prisons and all thirty-three adult 9 prisons of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. 10 11 1.3 PLN engages in core protected speech and expressive conduct on matters of public concern, such as the operations of corrections facilities, jail and 12 prison conditions, prisoner health and safety, and prisoners' rights. PLN regularly 13 receives correspondence from inmates in correctional facilities around the country, 14 including Ventura County jails, in which they ask questions and report on jail or 15 prison conditions. 16 14. Defendants have censored PLN's monthly journal, informational 17 brochure packets, subscription renewal letters, and Internet-based printouts mailed 18 to inmates held in custody at Ventura County jails, by refusing to deliver said items 19 to the prisoners and, in some instances, by returning items to PLN's offices via the 20 Return To Sender service of the United States Postal Service. Defendants continue 21 7.2 to censor many of the items listed above. 15. Defendants have censored materials mailed by PLN on at least 148 23 occasions from February. 2012 to the present, including the items identified below. 24 Censorship of NY's Monthly Journal 25 16. PLN's monthly journal, Prison Legal News, is a black and white 64- 26 page soft cover publication that contains articles on corrections news and analysis ]10276743] 27 about prisoner rights, court rulings, the management of prison and jail facilities, and 28 conditions of confinement. 5 COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF UNDER TILE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT, 42 U.S.C. §I983 AND DAMAGES Case 2:14-cv-00773-GHK-E Document 1 Filed 01/31/14 Page 7 of 24 Page ID #:570 1 17. Starting in at least February 2012, Defendants censored PLN's monthly 2 journal by refusing to deliver it to the inmates to whom it was addressed, sometimes sending it by return mail at PLN's expense, marking it with an ink stamp or 4 adhesive label noting various reasons for the return, including: (1) "CONTENTS UNACCEPTABLE;" circling with black pen "SUGGESTIVE ITEMS" from a list of prohibited correspondence; (2) "SUGGESTIVE ADS INSIDE. PLEASE RETURN TO SENDER"; and (3) "UNACCEPTABLE - SUGGESTIVE IMAGES & ADS. RETURN TO SENDER." 18. In March 2012, PLN mailed its March 2012 Prison Legal News publication to twelve (12) prisoners at the Ventura County jails, each of whom were in custody there at the time that the publications were received from PLN. Defendants did not deliver the publications to the inmate-addressees and sent them by return mail at PLN's expense, with an ink stamp with the following reason for return: "CONTENTS UNACCEPTABLE," circling with black pen "SUGGESTIVE ITEMS" from a list of prohibited cor respondence. 19. In April 2012, PLN mailed its April 2012 Prison Legal News publication to seven (7) prisoners at the Ventura County jails, each of whom were in 18 custody there at the time that the publications were received from PLN. Defendants 19 did not deliver the publications to the inmate-addressees and sent them by return 20 mail at PLN's expense, with an adhesive label with the following reason for return: 21 "SUGGESTIVE ADS INSIDE. PLEASE RETURN TO SENDER." 22 20. In May 2012, PLN mailed its May 2012 Prison Legal News publication 23 to fourteen (14) inmates at the Ventura County jails, each of whom were in custody 24 there at the time that the publications were received from PLN. Defendants did not 25 deliver the publications to the inmate-addressees and sent them by return mail at 26 PLN's expense, with an adhesive label with the following reason for return: 27 "UNACCEPTABLE - SUGGESTIVE IMAGES & ADS. RETURN TO 28 SENDER." [1027674-3) 6 COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF UNDER THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT, 42 U.S.C. §1983 AND DAMAGES Case 2:14-cv-00773-GHK-E Document 1 Filed 01/31/14 Page 8 of 24 Page ID #:571 21. 1 PLN's monthly journal occasionally contains advertisements for 2 distributors of sexually based material. Most of the advertisements for such 3 distributors contain no pictures. In the few instances in which pictures may be 4 found, they are barely visible: each picture is less than one square inch, there is no nudity, and even clothed depictions of breasts, buttocks, or the groin area often are rendered invisible by a white star. 22. On information and belief, Defendants refused to deliver additional Prison Legal News publications that PLN mailed to inmates, other than those identified above, who were in custody at the Ventura County jails at the time the publications were received. 23. Defendants did not provide PLN with sufficient due process notice or with an opportunity to appeal the aforementioned censorship decisions. PLN is informed and believes that Defendants have a written policy which allows for an appeal of any decision rejecting inmate mail and that there is a form that is to be sent to the sender notifying the sender of the decision. However, PLN never received any such form. 17 24. Curr ently, PLN has 14 subscribers at the Ventura County jails. PLN 18 continues to pursue its mission to promote public safety through educational and 19 journalistic avenues by sending its monthly publication to. inmates confined at 20 Ventura County jails. Censorship of PLN's Informational Brochure Packet 21 22 25. Since at least February 2012, and continuing to the present day, 2,3 Defendants have censored PLN's Informational Brochure Packet by refusing to 24 deliver it to the inmates to whom it was addressed. PLN's "Informational Brochure 25 Packet" includes the three items described below: (1) The Prison Legal News 26 Brochure and Subscription Order Form; (2) The PLN Book List; and (3) The 27 Published Books Brochure. 28 /// 110276743] 7 COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF UNDER THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT, 42 U.S.C. §1983 AND DAMAGES Case 2:14-cv-00773-GHK-E Document 1 Filed 01/31/14 Page 9 of 24 Page ID #:572 (a) Prison Legal News Brochure and Subscription Order Form: This brochure and order form include: a description of the topics covered in PLN's monthly magazine; subscription rates, special subscription offers, a subscription order form; a description of three books available for purchase or included with a subscription to Prison Legal News-Protecting Your Health & Safety, With Liberty for Some: 500 Years of hnpriSOnment in America, and Prison Profiteers: Who Makes Money . rom Mass Incarceration; and other information about PLN's bookstore. (b) PLN Book List: The book list includes a description of 42 10 books, dictionaries, and legal resource materials available for purchase. The books 11 available for purchase cover a variety of topics, including: the basic rights of prisoners regarding health and safety; the American criminal justice system; finding the right lawyer; DNA testing; issues related to imprisoned women; selfrepresentation in court; developing a successful re-entry plan upon cor rectional release; searching for a job; crime and poverty; and the mental health crisis in U.S. prisons and jails. (c) PLN Published Books Brochure: The PLN Published Books brochure details two books published by PLN and includes detailed information about and an order form for (1) a comprehensive book on high school, vocational, paralegal, undergraduate, and graduate courses available to prisoners through written correspondence programs of study; and (2) a legal resource book on the 22 topic of ineffective assistance of counsel and habeas corpus litigation. 23 26. Defendants have censored PLN's Informational Brochure Packet by 24 refusing to deliver it to the inmates to whom it is addressed, and sometimes sending 25 it by return mail at PLN's expense, with an adhesive label indicating various reasons 26 for return, including the following: (1) "INMATES CANNOT ORDER 27 SUBSCRIPTIONS FROM JAIL. PLEASE RETURN TO SENDER."; ¡102767431 28 (2) "INMATES CANNOT ORDER ANYTHING FROM JAIL. PLEASE 8 COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF UNDER THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT, 42 U.S.C. §1983 AND DAMAGES Case 2:14-cv-00773-GHK-E Document 1 Filed 01/31/14 Page 10 of 24 Page ID #:573 1 RETURN TO SENDER."; and (3) "INMATES MAY NOT ORDER ANY 2 BILLABLE ITEMS FROM JAIL (i.e. Magazine Subscriptions, Books). RETURN 3 TO SENDER." 27. Since February 2012 to the present, Defendants have censored at least 50 of PLN's Informational Brochure Packets and frustrated PLN's attempt to deliver it to inmates at the Ventura County jails. 7 28. Defendants did not provide PLN with sufficient notice or with an 8 opportunity to appeal any of the aforementioned censorship decisions. 29. PLN continues its educational and journalistic mission by sending its Informational Brochure Packets to inmates confined at Ventura County jails. Censorship of Photocopies and Internet Printouts 30. Defendants also have censored PLN's correspondence with inmates 13 containing Internet-based printouts of case law by refusing to deliver these items 14 31. These items have sometimes been sent by return mail at PLN's expense with an adhesive label affixed with various reasons for return, including the following: (1) "CONTENT UNACCEFTABLE/NOT A `PRISON LEGAL NEWS' PUBLICATION, NO EN\TELOPED PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE. RETURN TO SENDER" or (2) "PER LEGAL DEPT.: XEROXED COPIES FROM BOOKS ARE NOT ALLOWED. MUST BE ORIGINAL MATERIAL. RETURN TO SENDER." 32. Since April 2012, Defendants censored PLN's correspondence with inmates and frustrated PLN's attempt to send Internet-based printouts of case law to forty-six (46) inmates at the Ventura County Jails. 33. Similarly, in February 2013, a third party mailed copies of articles from the Prison Legal News web site to several inmates at the Ventura County jails. Those articles were returned to sender with the notation "Return to Sender: Postcards Only. No Enveloped Correspondence." 34. [1027674-31 Just as with the aforementioned instances of censorship, Defendants did 9 COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF UNDER THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT, 42 U.S.C. 51983 AND DAMAGES Case 2:14-cv-00773-GHK-E Document 1 Filed 01/31/14 Page 11 of 24 Page ID #:574 1 not provide PLN with sufficient notice or with an opportunity to appeal censorship 2 decisions regarding Internet printouts of case law mailed to inmates. 3 35. PLN continues its educational and journalistic mission by sending Internet-based printouts of case law to inmates confined at Ventura County jails. PLN Subscription Renewal Letters 36. Defendants also have censored PLN's correspondence with inmates containing PLN "Subscription Renewal Letters." Since at least June 2012, and continuing to the present day, Defendants have censored PLN's Subscription 9 Renewal Letters by refusing to deliver it to the inmates to whom it is addressed, and 10 sometimes sending it by return mail at PLN's expense, with an adhesive label 11 indicating various reasons for return, including the following: (1) "RETURN TO 12 SENDER- POSTCARDS ONLY- NO ENVELOPES, and (2) "INMATES 13 CANNOT ORDER SUBSCRIPTIONS FROM JAIL. RETURN TO SENDER." 14 37. Since June 2012, Defendants censored PLN's attempt to send Subscription Renewal Letters to 19 inmates at the Ventura County Jails. Just as with the aforementioned instances of censorship, Defendants did not provide PLN with sufficient notice or with an opportunity to appeal censorship decisions regarding Internet printouts of case law mailed to inmates. Jail Policies 38. After PLN's materials were rejected, starting in February 2012, PLN began investigating the reasons for the rejections. PLN then learned that Defendants 22 appeared to have begun applying written policies that it had not before applied to 23 PLN to exclude PLN' s materials. These policies include the following: Article 36 24 of the Detention Services Division policy, entitled "Inmate Mail Guidelines," which 25 requires all incoming mail addressed to inmates at the Ventura County jails, with the 26 exception of legal mail, to be in postcard form (hereinafter "Postcard Only Mail 27 Policy"). Defendants' web site explaining that policy states, in pertinent part: [1027674-3) 28 "postcards will be the only acceptable form of incoming mail" and "must be no 10 COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF UNDER THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT, 42 U.S.C. §1983 AND DAMAGES Case 2:14-cv-00773-GHK-E Document 1 Filed 01/31/14 Page 12 of 24 Page ID #:575 1 smaller than 4 x 6 inches and no larger than 6 x 11 inches." 2 39. Defendants' Postcard Only Mail Policy has been used to censor PLN's 3 enveloped correspondence with inmates at Ventura County j ails containing 4 informational brochures packets, Internet-based printouts of case law, and 5 subscription renewal letters. 6 40. Defendants' conduct prohibiting PLN from mailing its publications, 7 informational brochure packets, Internet-based printouts of case law and 8 subscription renewal letters to inmates .confined at the Ventura County jails violates 9 the First Amendment. This policy on its face and as applied censors these 10 expressive activities and has a chilling effect on PLN's future speech and expression 11 directed at inmates confined there. Defendants' policy is unconstitutional both 12 facially and as applied to Prison Legal News. 13 41. Prison Legal News publishes and distributes content concerning the 14 rights of inmates and the means by which they may obtain relief from 15 unconstitutional conditions of confinement. As a result, PLN is informed and believes that Defendants have retaliated against PLN by refusing to deliver PLN' s written materials to inmates held at the jails. 42. Defendants' actions have violated, continue to violate, and are reasonably expected in the future to violate PLN' s constitutional rights, and have caused Plaintiff financial harm in the form of lost subscriptions, lost opportunities for purchases and sales of its publications, lost opportunities for book sales, and diversion of resources to address the censorship. In addition, Defendants' actions have frustrated Plaintiffs mission of education and advocacy, including the dissemination of PLN's political message, and the reporting and publishing of news 25 regarding the human and legal rights of persons held in prisons and jails. Further, 26 Defendants' actions have interfered with PLN's ability to recruit new donors and 27 supporters. 28 110276743J 43. Defendants' actions and inactions were and are motivated by ill motive 11 COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF UNDER THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT, 42 U.S.C. §1983 AND DAMAGES Case 2:14-cv-00773-GHK-E Document 1 Filed 01/31/14 Page 13 of 24 Page ID #:576 1 and intent, and were and are all committed under color of law with reckless indifference to PLN' s rights. 44. Defendants COUNTY OF VENTURA, DEAN, PENTIS, OKSNER, BARRIOS, DOES 1-10, and other agents of the County of Ventura are responsible for or personally participated in creating and implementing these unconstitutional 6 policies, practices, and customs. Further, Defendants are responsible for training and 7 supervising the mail staff whose conduct has injured and continues to injure PLN, and for ratifying or adopting them. 45. Defendants' unconstitutional policy, practices, and customs are ongoing and continue to violate PLN's rights. As such, PLN has no adequate remedy at law. 46. PLN is entitled to injunctive relief prohibiting Defendants from refusing to deliver or refusing to allow delivery of publications, informational brochures packets, and other correspondence from Prison Le gal News, and prohibiting Defendants from censoring mail without due process of law. 47. On or about February 13, 2013, PLN placed Defendants on actual notice through the filing of a state tort claimthat their policies and practices violate PLN's constitutional rights. Defendants continue to violate PLN's constitutional rights. CLAIMS FOR RELIEF 21 22 FIRST CLAIM FOR RELIEF (Against All Defendants - For Violations of the First Amendment Under Color Of State Law - Free Speech; Section 1983) 23 24 48. Plaintiff realleges and incorporates by reference the preceding 25 paragraphs. 26 49. The acts described above constitute violations of Plaintiff's rights under 27 the First Amendment to the United States Constitution through 42 U.S.C. § 1983, 28 and have caused and will continue to cause damages to Plaintiff. [10276743] 12 COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF UNDER THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT, 42 U.S.C. §1983 AND DAMAGES Case 2:14-cv-00773-GHK-E Document 1 Filed 01/31/14 Page 14 of 24 Page ID #:577 50. Plaintiff seeks declaratory and injunctive relief, as well as nominal and. 1 2 compensatory damages, against all Defendants. 3 51. Plaintiff is informed, believes, and based thereon alleges that in engaging in the conduct alleged herein, individual Defendants acted with the intent to injure, vex, annoy and harass Plaintiff, and subjected Plaintiff to cruel and unjust hardship in conscious disregard of Plaintiff's rights with the intention of causing Plaintiff injury and depriving it of its constitutional rights. 8 52. As a result of the forgoing, Plaintiff seeks exemplary and punitive 9 damages against the individual Defendants. 10 11 SECOND CLAIM FOR RELIEF (Against All Defendants - For Violations of the First Amendment Under Color Of State Law - Retaliation for Exercising Speech Rights; Section 1983) 12 13 53. Plaintiff realleges and incorporates by reference the preceding 14 paragraphs. -54. The acts described above constitute violations of Plaintiff's right to be free from retaliation for exercising its constitutionally protected speech rights. 55. By retaliating against Plaintiff, Defendants have violated Plaintiff's ri ghts under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution through 42 U.S.C. § 1983, and have caused and will continue to cause damages to Plaintiff. 56. Plaintiff seeks declaratory and injunctive relief, as well as nominal and compensatory damages, against all Defendants. 57. Plaintiff is informed, believes, and based thereon alleges that in 23 engaging in the conduct alleged herein, individual Defendants acted with the intent 24 to injure, vex, annoy and harass Plaintiff, and subjected Plaintiff to cruel and unjust 25 hardship in conscious disregard of Plaintiff's rights with the intention of causing 26 Plaintiff injury and depriving it of its constitutional rights. 27 58. As a result of the forgoing, Plaintiff seeks exemplary and punitive 28 damages against the individual Defendants. ¡1027674-3j COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF UNDER THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT, 42 U.S.C. §1983 AND DAMAGES Case 2:14-cv-00773-GHK-E Document 1 Filed 01/31/14 Page 15 of 24 Page ID #:578 1 THIRD CLAIM FOR RELIEF (Against All Defendants - For Violations of the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment Under Color Of State Law; Section 1983) 59. Plaintiff realleges and incorporates by reference the preceding paragraphs. 60. By failing to give Plaintiff sufficient notice of the censorship of its publications, and by failing to give an opportunity to be heard with respect to that censorship, Defendants have deprived and continue to deprive Plaintiff of liberty and property without due process of law, in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution via 42 U.S.C. § 1983. 61. The acts described above have caused and will continue to cause damage to Plaintiff. 62. Plaintiff seeks declaratory and injunctive relief, as well as nominal and compensatory damages, against all Defendants. 63. Plaintiff is informed, believes, and based thereon alleges that in engaging in the conduct alleged herein, individual Defendants acted with the intent to injure, vex, annoy and harass Plaintiff, and subjected Plaintiff to cruel and unjust hardship in conscious disregard of Plaintiff's rights with the intention of causing Plaintiff injury and depriving it of its constitutional rights. 64. As a result of the forgoing, Plaintiff seeks exemplary and punitive damages against the individual Defendants. FOURTH CLAIM FOR RELIEF (Against All Defendants - For Violations of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fo rteenth Amendment Under Color Of State Law; Section 1983) 65. Plaintiff realleges and incorporates by reference the preceding paragraphs. 27 [1O27ú743] 66. By prohibiting the delivery of Plaintiff's publications but allowing the 28 delivery of the publications of others who are similarly situated, Defendants have 14 COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF UNDER THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT, 42 U.S.C. §1.983 AND DAMAGES Case 2:14-cv-00773-GHK-E Document 1 Filed 01/31/14 Page 16 of 24 Page ID #:579 1 deprived and continue to deprive Plaintiff of equal protection under the laws, in 2 violation of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution through 42 3 U.S.C. § 1983. 4 67. The acts described above have caused and will continue to cause damage to Plaintiff. 6 68. Plaintiff seeks declaratory and injunctive relief, as well as nominal and 7 compensatory damages, against all Defendants. 8 69. Plaintiff is informed, believes, and based thereon alleges that in 9 engaging in the conduct alleged herein, individual Defendants acted with the intent 10 to injure, vex, annoy and harass Plaintiff, and subjected Plaintiff to cruel and unjust 11 hardship in conscious disregard of Plaintiff's rights with the intention of causing 12 Plaintiff injury and depriving it of its constitutional rights. 70. As a result of the forgoing, Plaintiff seeks exemplary and punitive damages against the individual Defendants. PRAYER FOR RELIEF The conduct previously alleged, unless and until enjoined by order of this Court, will cause great and irreparable injury to Plaintiff. Further, a judicial declaration is necessary and appropriate at this time so that all parties may know their respective rights and act accordingly. 20 wI-mREFORE, Plaintiff requests relief as follows: 21 1. A declaration that Defendants' policies, practices, and customs violate 22 the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution. . 23 2. An order enjoining all Defendants and their employees, agents, and any 24 and all persons acting in concert with them from further violating Plaintiff's civil 25 rights under the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution. 26 3. Nominal damages for each violation by the Defendants against the 27 Plaintiff's rights. 28 11027G74-3) 4. Compensatory damages in an amount to be proven at trial. 15 COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF UNDER THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT, 42 U.S.C. §1983 AND DAMAGES Case 2:14-cv-00773-GHK-E Document 1 Filed 01/31/14 Page 17 of 24 Page ID #:580 5. Punitive damages against the individual Defendants in an amount to be proven at trial. 6. Costs, including reasonable attorney's fees, under 42 U.S.C. § 1988, CCP § 1021.5, and under other applicable law. 6 7. Prejudgment and post judgment interest. 8. Such other relief as the Court deems just and equitable. 7 8 DATED: January 31, 2014 9 Respectfully submitted, ROSEN BIEN GALVAN.& GRUNFELD LLP 10 11 By: /s/ Ernest Galvan TIlE LAW OFFICES OFBRIAN A. VOGEL, PC By: ,.•7.,-Brian A. Vogel HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENSE CENTER By: /s/ Lance Weber 20 21 Attorneys for Plaintiff 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 [1027674-3) 16 COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF UNDER THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT, 42 U.S.C. §1983 AND DAMAGES Case 2:14-cv-00773-GHK-E Document 1 Filed 01/31/14 Page 18 of 24 Page ID #:581 1 2 DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL Plaintiff hereby demands a jury trial. 3 DATED: Janaury 31, 2014 4 Respectfully submitted, ROSEN BIEN GALVAN & GRUNFELD LLP 5 6 By: /s/ Ernest Galvan 7 8 9 TN H. LAW OFFICES OF BRIAN A. VOGEL, PC 10 Brian A. Vogel 11 12 HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENSE CENTER 13 14 By: /s/ Lance Weber Attorneys for Plaintiff 20 21 ? 23 24 25 26 27 28 [10276743] 17 COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF UNDER THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT, 42 U.S.C. § 1983 AND DAMAGES Case 2:14-cv-00773-GHK-E Document 1 Filed 01/31/14 Page 19 of 24 Page ID #:582 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT TO UNITED STATES JUDGES George H. King This case has been assigned to District Judge Magistrate Judge is and the assigned Charles F. Eick The case number on all documents filed with the Court should read as follows: 2:14CV773 GHK Ex Pursuant to General Order 05-07 of the United States District Court for the Central District of California, the Magistrate Judge has been designated to hear discovery related motions. All discovery related motions should be noticed on the calendar of the Magistrate Judge. Clerk, U. S. District Court January 31, 2014 By J.Prado Deputy Clerk Date NOTICE TO COUNSEL A copy of this notice must be served with the summons and complaint on all defendants (if a removal action is filed, a copy of this notice must be served on all plaintiffs). Subsequent documents must be filed at the following location: Western Division 312 N. Spring Street, G-8 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Southern Division 411 West Fourth St., Ste 1053 Santa Ana, CA 92701 Eastern Division 3470 Twelfth Street, Room 134 Riverside, CA 92501 Failure to file at the proper location will result in your documents being returned to you. CV-18 (08/13) NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT TO UNITED STATES JUDGES Case 2:14-cv-00773-GHK-E Document 1 Filed 01/31/14 Page 20 of 24 Page ID #:583 AO 440 (Rev. 06/12) Summons in a Civil Action UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the Central District of California PRISON LEGAL NEWS, a project of the HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENSE CENTER, ) Plaintiff(s) CV14-0773(1-h, l^ *) Civil Action No. v. County of Ventura; Geoff Dean, Gary Pentis, Linda Oksner, and Rick Barrios, in their individual and official capacities, DOES 1-10, in their individual and official capacities, Defendant(s) ) ) ) SUMMONS IN A CIVIL ACTION To: (Defendant's name and address) County of Ventura 800 S. Victoria Avenue, Ventura, CA 93009-1260 Geoff Dean 800 S. Victoria Avenue, Ventura, CA 93009 Gary Pentis 800 S. Victoria Avenue, Ventura, CA 93009 Linda Oksner 800 S. Victoria Avenue, Ventura, CA 93009 Rick Barrios 800 S. Victoria Avenue, Ventura, CA 93009 A lawsuit has been filed against you. Within 21 days after service of this summons on you (not counting the day you received it) - or 60 days if you are the United States or a United States agency, or an officer or employee of the United States described in Fed. R. Civ. P. 12 (a)(2) or (3) - you must serve on the plaintiff an answer to the attached complaint or a motion under Rule 12 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. The answer or motion must be served on the plaintiff or plaintiff's attorney, whose name and address are: Brian A. Vogel The Law Offices of Brian A. Vogel, PC 770 County Square Drive, #104 Ventura, CA 93003 If you fail to respond, judgment by default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. ,0,ti You also must file your answer or motion with the court. JAN 31 2014 Date: Case 2:14-cv-00773-GHK-E Document 1 Filed 01/31/14 Page 21 of 24 Page ID #:584 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA CIVIL COVER SHEET ( Check box if you are representing yourself ❑ ) I. (a) PLAINTIFFS ( Check box, if you are representing yourself ^) DEFENDANTS Prison Legal News, a project of the Human Rights Defense Center Ventura County; Geoff Dean, Gary Pentis, Linda Oksner, and Rick Barrios, in their individual and official capacities, Does 1-10, in their individual and official capacities (b) County of Residence of First Listed Plaintiff Palm Beach Cty, FL (IN U.S. PLAINTIFF CASES ONLY) (EXCEPT IN U.S. PLAINTIFF CASES) (c) Attorneys County of Residence of First Listed Defendant Attorneys (Firm Name, Address and Telephone Number) If you are (Firm Name, Address and Telephone Number) If you are representing yourself, provide the same information. representing yourself, provide the same information. See attachment. Unknown. I!. BASIS OF JURISDICTION (Place an X in one box only.) 3. Federal Question (U.S. Government Not a Party) 1. U.S. Government Plaintiff I^i 2. U.S. Government Defendant ^4. Diversity (Indicate Citizenship of Parties in Item III) IV. ORIGIN (Place an X in one box only.) 1. Original Proceeding 2. Removed from State Court J 4. Reinstated or ❑ 5. Transferred from Another District (Specify) Reopened Remanded from Appellate Court Yes V. REQUESTED IN COMPLAINT: JURY DEMAND: CLASS ACTION under F.R.Cv.P..23: Ill. CITIZENSHIP OF PRINCIPAL PARTIES-For Diversity Cases Only (Place an X in one box for plaintiff and one for defendant) DEF PTF DEF PTF 4 4 1 Incorporated or Principal Place Citizen of This State 11 1 of Business in this State Citizen of Another State • 2 • 2 Incorporated and Principal Place • 5 El 5 of Business in Another State Citizen or Subject of a ■ 3 . 3 Foreign Nation 6 6 Foreign Country E]Yes El 6. MultiDistrict Litigation No (Check "Yes" only if demanded in complaint.) MONEY DEMANDED IN COMPLAINT: $ According to proof. No VI. CAUSE OF ACTION (Cite the U.S. Civil Statute under which you are filing and write a brief statement of cause. Do not cite jurisdictional statutes unless diversity.) 42 U.S.C. 1983: Violation of Plaintiff's rights under the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution VI!. NATURE OF_SUIT (Place an X in one box only). CONTRACT Insurance 110 l^ REA4'PROP..ERTY:CONT 240 Torts to Land 375 False Claims Act 245 Tort Product 400 State IE 120 Marine Li a bilit y Reapportionment E 290 All Other Real E 130 Miller Act E 410 Antitrust Property e 140 Negotia bl 430 Banks and Banking TORTS Instrument PERSONAL INJURY ■ 450 Commerce/ICC 150 Recovery of Rates/Etc. 310 Airplane Overpayment & Enforcement of 460 Deportation 315 Airplane Judgment Product Liability 470 Racketeer Influ320 Assault, Libel & 151 Medicare Act enced & Corrupt Org. Slander 480 Con s umer Credit 152 Recovery o f Fed. Employers ' 330 Fe Defaulted Student Lia bili ty E 490 Cable/Sat TV Loan (Excl. Vet.) 340 Marine 850 Securities/Com153 Recovery o f 345 Marine Product modities/Exchan g e E Overpayment of Liability Vet. Benefits 890 Other Statutory 350 Motor Vehicle Actions 160 Stockholders' 355 Motor Vehicle . Suits 891 Agricultural Acts Product Liability 893 Environmental 190 Other 360Other Personal Matters Contract ❑ Inj ury 895 Freedom of Info. 362 Personal Injury195 Contract Act (Vied Malpratice Product Liability 365 Personal Injury 896 Arbitration 196 Franchise Product Liability REAL PROPERTY 367 Health Care/ 899 Admin. Procedures Pharmaceutical 210 Land Act/Rev iew of A ppea l o f Personal Injury Condemnation Agency Decision Product Liability 220 F oreclosure 368 Asbestos 950 Constitutionality of 230 Rent Lease & a J u r) ^.i , i e s gln 10 State Statutes Ejectment l^ frd c ti abihty OTHER' STATUTES FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: CV-71 (11/13) IMMIGRATION ■ 462 Naturalization Application PRISONER PETITIONS Habeas Corpus: E 463 Alien Detainee 510 M o ti onsto Vacate 465 Other Sentence II Immigration Actions 530 G eneral TORTS PERSONAL PROPERTY • 535 Death Penalty Otfier:_ 370 Other Fraud PROPERTYRIGHTS E 820 Copyri g hts IN 830 Patent 840 Trademark SOCIALSECURITY 861 HIA (1395ff) • 862 Black Lung (923) E 863 DIWC/DIWW (405 (g)) El 864 SSID Title XVI 371 Truth in Lending U 540 Mandamus/Other 550 Civil Rights 380 Other Personal Property Damage 555 Prison Condition • 865 RSI (405 (g)) 385 Property Damage 560 Civil Detainee Product Liability FEDERAL`TAY..SUtTS Conditions of Confinement BANKRUPTCY . . Plaintiff or 870 Taxes (US Fo RF EITUREIR E NALTY Defendant) 422 Appeal 28 - USC 158 . 871 IRS-Third Party 26 USC 625 Drug Related 7609 423 Withdrawal 28 II Seizure o f P roper t y 21 USC 881 USC 157 690 Other CIVIL RIGHTS LABOR 440 Other Civil Rights 710 F a i r Labor Standards 441 Voting Act ■ 720 Labor/Mg mt. E 442 Employment Relations 443 Housing/ Accomodations El 740 Railway Labor Act 445 American with 751 Family and Medical DisabilitiesII Leave Act Employment 790 Other Labor 446 American with Litigation Disabilities-Other 791 Employee Ret. Inc. gly E-c4t^ca>+ign S ecuri ty Ac t !J !1 A Case Number: CIVIL COVER SHEET Page 1 of3 Case 2:14-cv-00773-GHK-E Document 1 Filed 01/31/14 Page 22 of 24 Page ID #:585 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA CIVIL COVER SHEET VIII. VENUE: Your answers to the questions below will determine the division of the Court to which this case will most likely be initially assigned. This initial assignment is subject to change, in accordance with the Court's General Orders, upon review by the Court of your Complaint or Notice of Removal. Yes © INITIAL DIVISION INGACD IS: STATE CASE WAS PENDING IN THE COUNTY OF: Question A: Was this case removed from state court? Western • Los Angeles No Western • Ventura, Santa Barbara, or San Luis Obispo If "no, " go to Question B. If "yes," check the box to the right that applies, enter the corresponding division in response to Question D, below, and skip to Section IX. Southern • Orange Eastern • Riverside or San Bernardino Question B: Is the United States, or one of its agencies or em p loyees , a party to this action? Yes © No If the United states, or one of It agencies Their ch e ek the bo<below for the county in which the majouty ofDF ENL?AN T S reside Then meek the hoz below roi the county in which the majority of PIAIETIFFS reside Ventura, Santa Barbara, or San Luis Obispo Western Southern • Orange Orange Other Los Angeles County Western El Los Angeles Ventura, Santa Barbara, or San Luis Obispo A' INITIAL DIVISION IN CACD IS ADEFENDANT ? E Riverside or San Bernardino Question C: Location of plaintiffs, defendants, and claims? (Makeonly one selection pe row) employees, is o party, is it A PLAINTIFF ? • Los Angeles If "no, " go to Question C. If "yes," check the box, to the right that applies, enter the corresponding division in response to . Question D, below, and skip to Section IX. of E Ventura, Santa Baroara,or San Luis °Nanacounties Indicate the location in which a majority of plaintiffs reside: Indicate the location in which a majority of defendants reside: Indicate the location in which a majority of claims arose: • Riverside or San Bernardino Eastern • Other Western C Orano_eCounty D Riverside or San Bernardino Counties F Other E Outside the Central District of California X e U y C.1. Is either of the following true? If co, check the one that applies: C.2. Is either of the following true? If so, check the one that applies: 2 or more answers in Column C 2 or more answers in Column D only 1 answer in Column C and no answers in Column D only 1 answer in Column D and no answers in Column C Your case will initially be assigned to the EASTERN DIVISION. Enter "Eastern" in response to Question D, below. Your case will initially be assigned to the SOUTHERN DIVISION. Enter "Southern" in response to Question D, below. If none applies, answer question C2 to the right. If none applies, go to the box, below. ow* Your case will initially be assigned to the WESTERN DIVISION. Enter "Western" in response to Question D below. INITIAL DIVISION'IN (TACO Question D: Initial Divisio?. Enter the initial division determined by Question A, B, or C above: CV-71 (11/13) Western CIVIL COVER SHEET Page 2 of 3 Case 2:14-cv-00773-GHK-E Document 1 Filed 01/31/14 Page 23 of 24 Page ID #:586 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA CIVIL COVER SHEET Has this action been previously filed in this court and dismissed, remanded or closed? IX(a). IDENTICAL CASES: NO YES NO YES If yes, list case number(s): IX(b). RELATED CASES: Have any cases been previously filed in this court that are related to the present case? If yes, list case number(s): Civil cases are deemed related if a previously filed case and the present case: (Check all boxes that apply) El A. Arise from the same or closely related transactions, happenings, or events; or B. Call for determination of the same or substantially related or similar questions of law and fact; or El E] C. For other reasons would entail substantial duplication of labor if heard by different judges; or D. Involve the same patent, trademark or copyright end one of the factors identified above in a, b or c also is present. X. SIGNATURE OF ATTORNEY (OR SELF-REPRESENTED LITIGANT): DATE: ///7' Notice to.Counsel/Parties: The CV-71 (JS-44) Civil Cover Sheet and the informátion contained herein neither replace nor supplement the filing and service of pleadings or other papers as required by law. This form, approved by the Judicial Conference of the United States in September 1974, is required pursuant to Local Rule 3-1 is not filed but is used by the Clerk of the Court for the purpose of statistics, venue and initiating the civil docket sheet. (For more detailed instructions, see separate instructions sheet). Key to Statistical codes relating to Social Security Cases: Nature of Suit Code Abbreviation Substantive Statement of Cause of Action All claims for health insurance benefits (Medicare) under Title 18, Part A, of the Social Security Act, as amended. Also, include claims by hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, etc., for certification as providers of services under the program. (42 U.S.C. 1935FF(b)) 861 HIA 862 BL All claims for "Black Lung" benefits under Title 4, Part B, of the Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969. (30 U.S.C. 923) 863 DIWC All claims filed by insured workers for disability insurance benefits under Title 2 of the Social Security Act, as amended; plus all claims filed for child's insurance benefits based on disability. (42 U.S.C. 405 (g)) 863 DMW All claims filed for widows or widowers insurance benefits based on disability under Title 2 of the Social Security Act, as amended. (42 U.S.C. 405 (g)) 864 SSID All claims for supplemental security income payments based upon disability filed under Title 16 of the Social Security Act, as amended. 865 RSI All claims for retirement (old age) and survivors benefits under Title 2 of the Social Security Act, as amended. (42 U.S.C. 405 (g)) CV-71 (11/13) CIVIL COVER SHEET Page 3 of 3 Case 2:14-cv-00773-GHK-E Document 1 Filed 01/31/14 Page 24 of 24 Page ID #:587 Attachment - Section LC- Attorneys for Plaintiff BRIAN A. VOGEL - 167413 THE LAW OFFICES OF BRIAN A. VOGEL, PC 770 County Square Drive, Suite 104 Ventura, California 93003 Telephone: (805) 654-0400 Facsimile: (805) 654-0326 brian@bvogel.coin Email: ERNEST GALVAN - 196065 BLAKE THOMPSON - 255600 ROSEN BIEN GALVAN & GRUNFELD LLP 315 Montgomery Street, Tenth Floor San Francisco, California 94104-1823 Telephone: 415) 433-6830 Facsimile: (415) 433-7104 Email: LANCE WEBER - Florida Bar No. 104550 * RIGHTS DEFENSE CENTER P.O. Box 1151 Lake Worth, FL 33460 Telephone: (561) 360-2523 Facsimile: ( 866) 735-7136 lweber@humanrightsdefensecenter . org Email: `Pro HacVice Application To Be Filed [1050963-1)