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HRDC Sign-on Letters

33 results
Publication • September 10, 2024
Letter to Governor Inslee about Green Hill September 10, 2024 Dear Governor Inslee, As formerly incarcerated persons who have professional, as well as deep personal knowledge of the process of rehabilitation, we ask that you respect our lived expertise and release youth in our state’s Juvenile Rehabilitation (JR) facilities who ...
Environmental Justice for Unaccompanied Migrant Children—Response to Request for Information (RFI): 2022 HHS Environmental Justice Strategy and Implementation Plan Draft Outline (Document No. 2022-07514) Earthjustice · American Friends Service Committee Florida · Hispanic Federation Respond Crisis Translation · Alianza Nacional de Campesinas · GreenLatinos Farmworker Association of Florida · National ...
Publication • July 15, 2021
Filed under: Mail, HRDC Sign on Letters
Calling for an end to MailGuard Attorney General Merrick Garland U.S. Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530-0001 July 15, 2021 Dear Attorney General Merrick Garland, The undersigned organizations are demanding that the Biden Administration end a federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) program to deprive people who ...
Publication • June 4, 2021
ALI Model Penal Code: Sexual Assault and Related Offenses June 4, 2021 Re: ALI Model Penal Code: Sexual Assault and Related Offenses, Tentative Draft No. 5, May 4, 2021 Dear American Law Institute Member: The undersigned are attorneys, academics, and other stakeholders writing to express our grave concerns with the ...
Publication • September 22, 2020
NARSOL Calls Out Patch: STOP the Red Dots! FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE . . . Contact: Sandy Rozek; 888.997.7765; ext 1 NARSOL Calls Out Patch: STOP the Red Dots! "Red-dotting" sex offender homes at Halloween feeds baseless hysteria Raleigh, North Carolina -- Every year as Halloween approaches, many Patch media ...
Qualified Immunity Letter to Congress, Nat'l Police Accountability Project, 2020 June 9, 2020 Dear Speaker Pelosi, Leader McCarthy, Majority Leader McConnell, and Minority Leader Schumer: National Police Accountability Project A Project of the National Lawyers Guild Executive Director Rachel A. Pickens ____________ Board of Directors: President Michael Avery President-Elect Julia ...
Publication • April 23, 2020
Letter to National Sheriffs' Association - COVID-19 phone costs, 2020 April 23, 2020 National Sheriffs’ Association 1450 Duke Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Dear Sheriff Daron Hall and all other Sheriffs, The COVID-19 outbreak has overwhelmed many public systems, and the correctional system is no different. Prisons and jails are breeding ...
Publication • April 23, 2020
Letter to National Governors Association - COVID-19 phone costs, 2020 April 23, 2020 National Governors Association 444 North Capitol Street, Suite 267 Washington, D.C. 20001 Dear Governor Larry Hogan and all other Governors, The COVID-19 outbreak has overwhelmed many public systems, and the correctional system is no different. Prisons and ...
Publication • April 23, 2020
Letter to US Conference of Mayors - COVID-19 phone costs, 2020 April 23, 2020 The United States Conference of Mayors 1620 I St. NW Washington, D.C. 20006 Dear Mayor Bryan K. Barnett and all other Mayors, The COVID-19 outbreak has overwhelmed many public systems, and the correctional system is no ...
Publication • April 7, 2020
Letter to FCC - Protect Incarcerated People, 2020 April 7, 2020 Chairman Ajit V. Pai Commissioner Michael O’Rielly Commissioner Brendan Carr Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel Commissioner Geoffrey Starks Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 PROTECT INCARCERATED PEOPLE AND THEIR FAMILIES DURING THE COVID-19 CRISIS Re: Docket Nos. ...
Joint letter to investigate conditions at Stewart Detention Center in Georgia Senator David Perdue 455 Russell Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Representative Drew Ferguson 1032 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Representative Rob Woodall 1725 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Representative Barry Loudermilk 329 Cannon House Office ...
Publication • October 16, 2018
Letter in support of Fare Evasion Decriminalization Amendment Act in DC - Oct 2018
Publication • October 5, 2018
Sign on letter re Inmate Calling Technical Corrections Act - Oct 2018 Senator Tammy Duckworth 524 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Senator Cory Booker 359 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Senator Rob Portman 448 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Senator Brian Schatz 722 Hart ...
Publication • June 27, 2018
Sign-on letter in support of the Private Prison Information Act 2017 June 27, 2018 Re: Endorsement of the Private Prisons Information Act of 2017 Dear Senator: The undersigned organizations committed to government openness and accountability, civil liberties, human rights, and civil rights, write to urge you to support legislation to ...
Publication • June 8, 2017
Joint letter re Immigration and Customs Enforcement policies - October 2016 October 11, 2016 Jeh Johnson Secretary of Homeland Security U.S. Department of Homeland Security 3801 Nebraska Avenue NW Washington, DC 20528 Dear Secretary Johnson: Immigrants’ rights, civil rights, and government-openness organizations write to express grave concerns about recent statements ...
Publication • June 8, 2017
Joint letter to Ryan and Pelosi re FCC net neutrality, HR 2666 - April 2016 April 12, 2016 The Honorable Paul Ryan Speaker U.S. House of Representatives The Honorable Nancy Pelosi Democratic Leader U.S. House of Representatives Dear Speaker Ryan and Leader Pelosi: We understand that floor consideration of H.R. ...
Publication • March 31, 2017
Joint letter in support of federal law that suspends drivers licenses - April 2017 April XX, 2017 Dear Member of Congress, The undersigned organizations urge you to actively support the repeal of 23 U.S.C. 159, a federal law that mandates states to automatically suspend driver’s licenses of people convicted of ...
Publication • February 15, 2017
Joint letter against class action reforms in HR 985 - Feb 2017 Civil Rights Groups Strongly Oppose H.R. 985 February 14, 2017 The Honorable Bob Goodlatte, Chairman Committee on the Judiciary U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 The Honorable John Conyers, Jr., Ranking Member Committee on the Judiciary U.S. ...
Publication • December 16, 2016
Joint letter to DHS Secretary re protecting the safety of immigration detainees - Dec. 2016 December 16, 2016 The Honorable Jeh Johnson Secretary U.S. Department of Homeland Security Washington, D.C. 20528 Re: Final requests to protect the safety and health of immigration detainees Dear Secretary Johnson: On behalf of the ...
Publication • April 29, 2016
Joint letter to U.S. Attorney General re deporting children without counsel, April 2016 April 29, 2016 The Honorable Loretta E. Lynch Attorney General of the United States U.S. Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20530 Dear Attorney General Lynch: We, the undersigned 177 children’s rights, civil rights, ...
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